Weatherhead School of Management

Peter B. Lewis Building


John Paul Stephens

I am an assistant professor and researcher working at the Weatherhead School of Management in the department of Organizational Behavior. I am currently teaching IIME 425, ORBH 533, and MGMT 250, as well as actively researching coordination, aesthetics and the body, and positive organizational scholarship. To read my biography, click here. For a little more on how I approach my work, check out this story featured in the Weatherhead Collections.

Cavani String Quartet visits Management 250

On October 3rd and 4th, the Cavani String Quartet, in residence at the Cleveland Institute of Music, visited the Management 250 class Managing People and Organizations to demonstrate to students the dynamics of a self-managing team. To read the full story, click here


Best Paper Award

On March 23rd, 2013, I recently won Best Paper Award at the UC Davis Conference on Qualitative Research, along with Sarah Kaplan from the Rotman School (University of Toronto). The paper was titled “Repair in collective performance: How individuals know and respond to breaches in coordination”.


Emotions and Mediation

On March 29, 2013, I gave a talk at the CWRU School of Law at their Alternative Dispute Resolution Society Symposium. The talk was titled “Emotions & Mediation: Feeling the whole table”, and was on the role of emotions (particularly ambivalent ones) in mediation where attorneys try to facilitate dialogue between two parties trying to find a resolution to some conflict. Based in part on work by Shirli Kopelman (website) and colleagues, practicing attorneys, mediators and members of the School of Law were advised to think about strategically managing their emotions by self-narrating or storying how they feel.


Cleveland Transfer Connection Summit Keynote Speaker

I was lucky enough to be included in the lineup for the Cleveland Transfer Connection Summit held on May 21-22, 2013 at Cleveland State University. The Transfer Connection is a program that gets Cuyahoga Community College students in Learning Communities that help prepare them for the successful transition into a 4-year college (CSU). My talk on “Growing in Emotional Intelligence” helped to deliver the message about the importance of being emotionally self-aware in order to manage relationships in this new environment and to think about constructively expressing and handling emotions in these relationships. Thanks to Dr. Charleyse Pratt, an alumna of our program here at Weatherhead, who directs the Transfer Connection.