- Social Science Research Network (SSRN), In the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads: February 2023, April 2022, November 2022
- Guest Editor, 2022, "Financial Decisions Modeling and Analytics", in Journal of Risk and Financial Management.
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN), In the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months: February 2023, November 2022, February 2022, November 2021, September 2021, March 2021, September 2020, February 2020, December 2019, October 2018, May 2017:
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN), March 2019, 2823 Author Rank out of 432,911 based on Publicly Available Downloadable papers.
- Milestone: 10000th paper downloads, Social Science Research Network (SSRN), August 2018.
- ResearchGate.net: Most read from department: November 2024, December 2023, November 2021.
- ResearchGate.net: 350 citations for paper: Venture Capital Reputation, Post-IPO performance, and Corporate governance, November 2023.
- Research discussed in Wall Street Journal, April 23, 2015.
- Research discussed in Reuters.com, April 29, 2015.
- Research discussed in Reuters.com, October 20, 2014.
- Case Western Reserve University Pedagogical Innovation Award winner, October 2024.
- Weatherhead School of Management Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, April 2024.
- Weatherhead School of Management Intramural Research Grant, October 2015.
- Weatherhead School of Management Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, April 2015.
Wolstein Society Amazing Mentor and Guide Award, April 2015.
- Weatherhead School of Management Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, May 2013.
- Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award Winner, May 2012.
- Research cited in letter dated August 26, 2012, in which Chairman Schapiro of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission addressed several questions on the current regulatory structure from Representative Darrell Issa of U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
- Top Ten download list, Social Science Research Network:
- "Analyzing Changing "Investor Exuberance": The Determinants of S&P Composite Index Total Return CAPE Changes".October 2024
"Do Enviornmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors Matter? Analyzing the Relationships Between Firm Characteristics and ESG Scores", October 2024
"Market Misreaction? Leverage and Mergers and Acquisitions", April 2022
"Market Misreaction? Evidence from Cross-Border Acquisitions", March 2022
- "IPO Performance: A Cross country comparison of the effect of Regulations", May 2021
"Cross Border Mergers: What does Market Reaction tell us about Post Merger Performance ?", March 2021
- "Investment Proximity and Venture Capital Returns.", April 2020.
- "The Relationship between Dividend Payout and Price to Earnings", December 2017.
- "An Empirical Study of Special Litigation Committees: Management Bias and Effects of Legal Standards", November 2017.
- "Divided Loyalties? The Role of Defense Litigation Counsel in Shareholder M&A Litigation", May 2016.
- "Top Hedge Funds and Shareholder Activism", April 2015.
- "Zealous Advocates or Self-interested Actors? Assessing the Value of Plaintiffs’ Law Firms in Merger Litigation, September 2014.
- "Jurisdictional Effects in M&A Litigation", August 2013.
- "Law Firm Expertise and Mergers and Acquisitions", July 2013.
- "Litigation in Mergers and Acquisitions", June 2012.
- "Venture Capital Reputation Survey, July 2010.
- "Law Firm Reputation and Mergers and Acquisitions", October 2009.
- "Venture Capital Reputation, Post-IPO Performance and Corporate Governance.", October 2009
- "Correlation Risk.", November 2008.
- "Does Venture Capital Reputation Matter? Evidence from Successful IPOs.", February 2008.
- Weatherhead School of Management Intramural Research Grant, October 2015, December 2017
- Wolstein Society Amazing Mentor and Guide Award, April 2015
- Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, April 2024
- Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, May 2011
- Deborah and David Daberko Faculty Fellowship, November 2010
- Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, May 2010
- Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, May 2009
- Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, May 2007
- Weatherhead School of Management Research Grant, July 2005
- Weatherhead School of Management Summer Research Grant, July 2004
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Research Grant, June 2004
- Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award Nomination, May 2004
- Nasdaq Ph.D. Fellowship, January 2001
- A Best paper award, Southern Finance Association Meetings, November 2000
- Vilas Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2000
- Edgar Kapp Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, January 1997

CNV Krishnan
- Faculty Director, MSM-Finance Program
- Professor, Banking and Finance