case western reserve university

Leonardo Madureira


Working Papers and Publications


What Drives  the Value of Financial Analysts's Advice? The Role of Earnings and Growth Forecasts

(joint with Ohad Kadan, Rong Wang and Tzachi Zach), Working Paper, 2020


Analysts' Advice on IPOs and Regulations: An Analysis of US and European Markets

(joint with Romain Boissin and Ajai Singh), Journal of Accounting and Finance. vol. 23, no. 6, 105-143, 2023


The Causal Effects of Proximity on Investment: Evidence from Flight Introductions

(joint with Jesse Ellis and Shane Underwood), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 55, no. 6, 1978-2004, 2020


Sell Side Analysts' Benchmarks

(joint with Ohad Kadan, Rong Wang and Tzachi Zach), The Accounting Review, vol. 95, no. 1, 211-232, 2020


Social Ties and IPO Outcomes

(joint with Jack Cooney, Ajai K. Singh and Ke Yang), Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 33, 129-146, 2015


Lending Relationships and Analysts' Forecasts

(joint with Emre Ergungor, Nandu Nayar and Ajai Singh), Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 24, issue 1, 71-88, 2015


Banking Relationships and Sell-Side Research

(joint with Emre Ergungor, Nandu Nayar and Ajai Singh), Working Paper 11-14, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 2011


Analysts' Industry Expertise

(joint with Ohad Kadan, Rong Wang and Tzachi Zach), Journal of Accounting & Economics, vol. 54, issues 2-3, 95-120, 2012 (lead article). IBES research note on how to collect industry recommendations appears here.


Geography and Price Discovery: Evidence from NASDAQ

(joint with Amber Anand, Vlad Gatchev, Christo Pirinsky and Shane Underwood), Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 14, no. 2, 193-226, 2011 (lead article)


Geography and Equity Market Making

(joint with Shane Underwood), (Permanent) Working Paper, 2007


Information, Sell-Side Research, and Market Making

(joint with Shane Underwood), Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 90, no. 2, 105-126, 2008 (lead artile)


Conflicts of Interest and Stock Recommendations: Evidence from the Global Settlement and Related Regulations

(joint with Ohad Kadan, Rong Wang and Tzachi Zach), Review of Financial Studies, vol. 22, no. 10, 4189-4217, 2009


SEC Regulation Fair Disclosure, Information and the Cost of Capital
(joint with Armando Gomes and Gary Gorton), NBER # 10567, 2004, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 13, issues 2-3, 300-334, 2007


The Ex Ante Real Rate and Inflation Premium Under a Habit Consumption Model

Journal of Empirical Finance, vol. 14, no. 3, 355-388, 2007


Conflicts of Interest, Regulations, and Stock Recommendations

(Permanent) Working Paper, 2004


Elusive Anomalies in the Brazilian Stock Market

(joint with Ricardo Leal), International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 10, no. 2, 123-134, 2001


Citations Report


Please click here for a detailed report on citations of my research (Updated June 10, 2019)