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Women's Careers – Within Corporations


Women on Corporate Boards of Directors: International Research and Practice
Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Vinnicombe, Susan, Singh, Val, Burke, Ronald J., Bilimoria, Diana & Huse, Morten (Eds.) (2008).

This comprehensive Handbook presents specially commissioned original essays on the societal roles and contexts facing women in business and management, the specific career and work-life issues of women in these fields, organizational processes affecting women, and the role of women as leaders in business and management. The essays shed light on the extant structures and practices of society and organizations that constrain or facilitate women's representation, treatment, quality of life, and success. Despite decades of ongoing inquiry and increasing interest, research on women in business and management remains a specialized field without mainstream acceptance within business and management disciplines. (read more)

Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings

Book Chapters

Diana Bilimoria, PhD

Diana Bilimoria

  • KeyBank Professor
  • Chair of the Department of Organizational Behavior
  • Professor of Organizational Behavior